After the installation of a new septic system it is critical that you take proper care of it. We have put together a list of Do’s and Dont’s to help provide you clarity and encourage you to reach out with any additional questions you may have.


  • Never discharge your water softener backwash into your septic system. It will destroy the whole system.
  • Never drive large vehicles or heavy equipment over or on top of your septic system. This will crack pipes or cause them to belly, which will cause your system to back up into your house.
  • Never place a swimming pool or deck over your system. This will cause the ground to become compacted, reduce the oxygen the system needs to work properly, and your system to fail.
  • Do not use a garbage disposal in your house, as it will clog lines and your septic system with unnecessary waste. Especially do not throw grease, wipes, and other sanitary products down your toilet. Cat litter and dairy products are also items to avoid flushing or dumping in a drain.


  • Do pump your septic system every two to three years to keep it functioning properly. If you have more people living in your house such as 5 or 6, we would advise that you pump your system every year to keep up with the usage of the system.
  • Have both covers of holding tank exposed so that it can be cleaned properly. Maintain your filter so that your septic doesn’t back-up because the filter can clog with debris. Clean filter with a garden hose twice a year to prevent it from clogging. Use a wire hanger to lift the filter out.
  • Keep a detailed copy of your septic plans along with a drawing to identify where it is located in your yard.
  • If you have a system with a pump, that pump needs to be maintaned by a certified pump company on a regular basis. Also, the pump chamber needs to be pumped out regularly when you have your system pumped. This is commonly ignored and sediment will build up in your system.
Rhode Island Septic Maintenance

Rhode Island Septic Maintenance

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